ISO 45001 Implementation di PT Halliburton Indonesia

Implementasi ISO 45001 di PT Halliburton Indonesia

PT Halliburton Indonesia telah melaksanakan konsultasi ISO 45001 dengan PMJ Powertrain untuk scope melakukan konsultasi untuk menelaah kesiapan dokumentasi, implementasi dan legal dalam menghadapi sertifikasi ISO 45001

Pada saat ini telah dilaksanakan evaluasi terhadap keseluruhan system management safety , termasuk dilakukan evaluasi terhadap legal dan regulatory requirement . Kegiatan ini 

                     Context Organization, Internal and external interest parties definition and evaluate the need and expectation of interest parties, Evaluate the risk and opportunity related to the interest parties.

                     Document related to the risk assessment, evaluation hazard area, hazard operation and hazardous materials

                     Establish of job description , and competence standards including the legal and regulatory need for safety expert

o   Establish Emergency Preparadness system , include but not limited to

o   Emergency response Team

o   Emergency Equipment Identification, planning and establishment .

o   Emergency Drill

                     Fire Protection System

o   Passive and Active fire protection system including Hydrant system, Sprinkler system , fire alarm

                     Electric Safety System

                     Establishment Measurement System as necessary

o   Environmental parameter such as heat, temperature, vibration, noise etc

o   Safety and health parameter such as near miss, accident , incident and ill health.

                     MSDS identification and implementation

                     Work permit system such as hot work, cold work, LOTO, confined space, working at height, etc. 

                     Industrial Hygiene which may include health examination, industrial hygiene practice, hearing conservation, vision, and radiation protection

                     Establish safety at work procedure

                     Establish system for

o   Contractor Safety

o   Visitor Safety

o   Purchasing system

o   Product Design safety

                     Establish Procedure for Legal and Regulation compliance and  up dated

                     Establish system for Documented information. 

                     Development system for nonconformance, corrective action , incident accident investigation

                     Development procedure for internal audit system. This system will include the safety patrol system, identification of unsafe act and unsafe condition.

                     Development safety sign system and campaign. Safety sign will include the sign for hazardous material and hazard area

                     Work permit system such as Temporary Storage Area, Waste management. 

                     Legal compliance need on infrastructure permits and operators certification such as lifting equipment, boiler, pressure vessel.


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